Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Do you have a physical address? We do not. We are a mobile company, and we rent out various locations throughout Katy, Texas.
I would like to get credit from my FSA. Do you have a Tax ID? Yes! Email us, and we will send it to you right away.


I registered for a class. When will I hear from you? After the initial receipt you receive following enrollment, we will send you an email no more than one week prior the first date of classes. We have found that if we send it any earlier, children are inadvertently instructed by parents to stay after school for our class on the wrong week.
I did not receive an email receipt. A receipt is automatically emailed to you minutes after enrollment. If you do not have one, be sure to check the spam, clutter, or junk folder for the email account you entered during registration. If you still can't find it, email us, we will be happy to send you another one.
Do you have a number I can call? We communicate solely through email. We are teachers by day are very hard to catch by phone. But don't worry, we are very quick to respond to emails. Additionally, we save all email correspondence to help us to keep track of what was said to which parent.

After School Dismissal

Can I walk up to the dismissal line and take my child to my car? No. In order to dismiss all students safely and orderly, we ask that you stay in your car in the line so we can give a child to each car. When parents walk up and take their child, the remaining students lose sense of structure and that is when control and safety are compromised.
My child rides their bike home every day. Can they ride their bike home from robotics? Not without a parent. At that time of evening, school zones aren’t on with crossing guards, drivers aren’t aware of students traveling home, and students are not traveling in large groups as they would be at school dismissal time. Additionally, it gets dark earlier during some parts of the year. That being said, you can check them out and let them ride their bike home, but we prefer everyone go home as car riders as it helps keep dismissal organized and safe. Parents checking out students on bike will be asked to park their bike and wait until all the car riders have been dismissed so we can focus on dismissing students to cars without distractions.
Can I pick my child up early from class? We understand that early dismissals may occasionally be necessary, and we will do our best to accommodate them. However, escorting a child to the door requires the instructor to step away from the class. To try and help us remember as well as minimize disruptions, we kindly ask that all early pickups occur exactly 30 minutes before the end of class. This allows us to dismiss early students at the same time, limit interruptions, and help you avoid the regular pickup line. Thank you for your understanding!

Class Information

My child took a class last year. Is it going to be the same? Not only does our curriculum change over time, we also make sure to have more curriculum available than any student can complete in one class. The core robotics concepts are the same from year to year, but the challenges and activities offered are different, helping returning students to build upon and extend their learning with new and different experiences.
My child has never taken any robotics class before. What do they need to know? Nothing. In every level of class that we teach, we differentiate our instruction to ensure that we give new students the opportunity to get the foundation they need as well as challenge experienced students. We do this by grouping them based on age and experience as well as modifying instruction as needed. Our summer classes overlap in ages to give you more flexibility in scheduling your summer activities.
Where do the after school classes take place? Our after school classes are held at your child's school and take place in the Large Group Instruction room. Your child will be directed to dismiss to that classroom if you have turned in a Change of Transportation Form (which is emailed to you one week prior to classes starting).
Can my child eat a snack in the after school program? We do not provide any snacks for students, but we give them time to eat any snacks they might bring during the first 10 minutes of class before they wash their hands and work with the robots. We are NOT a nut-free organization.
What are the dates of my child's class? Dates, times, and other specific information can be found on the page where you registered.